Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server provides more than 100 reports which help Exchange administrators to regulate the Exchange Server environment.
It is sometimes challenging to manage the whole environment, singlehandedly. To overcome this problem and to better manage the Exchange environment, Stellar Reporter and Auditor for Exchange Server helps administrators to add users and share the responsibilities. The software also allows to edit the users, assign responsibilities and limit their access, and all these functions are performed by the Exchange administrator.
Follow these steps to Add User:
- Login to Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
- Go to Navigation Pane and click Admin followed by User Management. A User Management window will appear:
- Click Add User button available on the top right corner of the window.
- Enter the Username and select the Role from the drop down list. You can assign a role of Admin or Operator to the new user.
- Enter the password and rewrite the password to confirm.
- Click Create to create a new user.
Note: You can edit the information of the new user with the help of steps for Edit User, available in Working on User Management.